
about us

Kingwood Local is dedicated to highlighting local businesses, services and events. Founded by a small business owner, we understand the importance of community engagement and networking to help grow your business. Running a business is demanding work, Kingwood Local can help get your message in front of the local community.  Whether you are a large company spreading the word about a new product or the highschool chess club looking to get people to your next event, all are welcome to share their story at

Kingwood Local is dedicated to highlighting local businesses, services and events. Founded by a small business owner, we understand the importance of community engagement and networking to help grow your business. Running a business is demanding work, Kingwood Local can help get your message in front of the local community.  Whether you are a large company spreading the word about a new product or a highschool chess club looking to get people to your next event, all are welcome to share their story at

Tell your story

What is your position or affiliation with the local business, event or service, you would like us to feature?